by CustomYachtShirts | Mar 30, 2021 | Boat Videos
Just Fishing Boats All of the boats coming into or going out of the Boca Raton Inlet in today’s video have one thing in common; they are just fishing boats! They are either heading out for a fishing trip or they are headed back to port after a fishing trip....
by CustomYachtShirts | Mar 27, 2021 | Boat Videos
Spring Break 2021 It’s that time of year, March is here and time for Spring Break 2021. This year we have been blessed with incredible weather which is perfect for boaters and Spring Breakers. This video highlights all of the boats coming and going at Boca Raton...
by CustomYachtShirts | Mar 23, 2021 | Boat Videos
Tricked out Boats Here in Boca Raton, everyone knows that we have tricked-out cars and houses, so it comes as no surprise that we have TRICKED OUT BOATS. It was very difficult choosing which boats made the cut in this video. It was tough, as so many of the boats...
by CustomYachtShirts | Mar 20, 2021 | Boat Videos
Hard Aground Looking offshore, I spotted a sailboat on a heading that would bring it directly into the sandbar. I knew from surfing that spot that the water depth at this time was around 3 feet. The approaching sloop was around 45 feet in length and I also knew she...
by CustomYachtShirts | Mar 16, 2021 | Boat Videos
Boaters Dream It was one of those days that is every boaters dream. Flat calm with 100 feet of visibility in the ocean. A perfect day for diving and spearfishing. Check out time 1:09 to see how clear and beautiful the water was on this day. Like the Bahamas! Enjoy...